Friday, September 12, 2008

The Best Part of My Day... so far.

Short blogs are what I love best. They're sweet and to the point. WELL, after starting off the day feeling super "MEHHH...," my best friend gives me a call. And then we Skype it to make it feel as if we're with each other. We talked about facials, then what's new, what's been bugging me, people at school. And after talking to her, I realized that my shed tears are useless. The person who has always brought a smile to my face, has now got me veering away from my crazy thoughts and looking at how good I've got it. Thank you, God for blessing me with a best friend who is as crazy (or even crazier) than me. I love you, Selene.

"You're muh besssst friend!


aaron j. said...

i deal with it because when you love the person you push through regardless =)

Selene from E:III said...

I love you more.