Saturday, May 17, 2008


Today is my dad's birthday... and I sort of got annoyed with him. I'm sorry, Dad...
parents +technology =/= good

That's a does not equal sign by the way. ANYWHO... things have been going pretty well lately. Getting along with the parents, a new found interest in someone (ambiguity with me is still needed... sorry Love), school is about to end. It's great actually. Summer is here almost and the weather has been so lovely.

I'm just really sleep right now because I woke up pretty early for a Love-ly phone conversation, then started reviewing my old exams for physio lec, then helped my mom cook. Just after brunch, I started to study, but mayn... was I not able to concentrate. So I decided to take a nap.

Right when I set my alarm, Selene calls me. Of course I answer. Then I try to nap again, then Aaron calls me, I answer but I had to go because I needed to vaccum my parents' room. So i do that, and call back Aaron. Then my Dad need help sending a email, which is why I got annoyed. And I helped him, but just as I got back to my room and was able to kinda start falling asleep, he needed me help again, which is why I am here... awaiting the attachment of files.

Yes! It just finished... I'll write again one day!


Selene from E:III said...

I like how you really write while on the other hand I only write in order to be read. thats whats great about gianel seisa when in come downs to the Jelly she's a 100% genuine strawberry from concentrate.

By the way I think I'm losing my mind.

Anonymous said...

don't fool yourself with thinking you're ambiguous.


Anonymous said...


Happy belated birthday to your Dad.

How are things huh? :O

I started a new blog. armchaircouncil is in the back burner.

Neetstyle is where I'm updating now. You should change your link.

Anonymous said...

it sucks when people are hypocrites about telling someone else what to do but can't seem to do it themselves.

Selene from E:III said...

dude i'm going to keep in all my depressing thoughts and never unleashing them ever to the world to prevent the world from utter chaos from now on pandoras box is closed