Tuesday, June 19, 2007


First and foremost, I must say that I am NOT emo. But it seems like everyone around me is getting bit by the Emo-bug. I'm not here to make fun of them, or take pleasure in their pain. But COME ON! Get over whatever is bothering you, if you really have a relationship with God, it would be easier to let go, and let God! I know its easy to say, but I honestly think that letting God take care of your worries is so much easier. Putting faith back in Him has shown me how good he is. And typing this, I have come to realize that I should not be the one who is making my decisions, but I should be letting God. He is good and the plans He has for me is much greater than the ones I have more myself.

God, I just want to thank you for letting me get into Anatomy! I was wondering what i could do, how i could get in, then I just started to stop caring because i most likely would not get in. But last night i prayed and realized that i shouldn't be asking God to put me in the class. i prayed that His will be done. If it is in His plan that I become set back in school, there's a reason for that. [sigh] this blogs are such a good way to release what i have bottled up.

1 comment:

Selene from E:III said...

Nel thinks i read nel know now i do read. inspiring words from a fun gal. good job tiny dancer i like u