Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hello Blogspot.

Mayn, I haven't written a blog here in forever. Aaron had told me that he went from Tumblr to blogpsot again. So... I felt that since I was visiting, I should stop off and say hi. Let's see. I really don't have much to say, but that I do have an unspoken prayer. I cannot say it because... well I can't. Tonight was the prayer meeting and they seem to have made a difference in who I turn to first. NOW, I first come to God then to a close friend. Before I had only come to God in urgency, but hopefully that habit will not come back.
Hmm... what else can I write about? I usually post serious blogs on Xanga, it doesn't help that I have three blog sites. Oh well...
Let's see: I think a good way to describe what I am feeling right now is, strong affinities. Not gonna go in depth with that one, but it must be prayed over.
LOL... my dad just called over the intercom to tell me to wash the dishes.... and then he ended it with saying "don't sleep down there." I have no idea why that's funny, but it's weird to be spending time with my dad because it's a rare occassion.
As for next time...

1 comment:

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