Thursday, June 14, 2007


Remembering what I had dreamt about last night makes me smile. I dreamt of the only and only Justin Timberlake and going to his concert makes me more excited to see him in September. WOOT!!!

So the dream goes like this. The concert is at the Cow Palace and I'm supposed to be meeting Jessica and Regina there. But i somehow forget the tickets at home because i just came from church. so i get in, but i only have the receipt but they wont let me in. i convince my parents to bring me home. and i tell Regina over the phone, but she got in for some reason. and so i come back and the concert is about the start but the stage is like a movie theater, stadium style and you have to stand in the fron in front of the stage. the Pussycat Dolls perform in the aisles and Justin is about to go on, but no one is there. Jessica says she's gonna be late and i don't know where Regina is. And that is all I remember. Oh yes and that I am front and center at the concert saving a spot for them, even thought there are only 20 people on the floor.

Whatever... i know that the concert will be WAY better than that!


Selene from E:III said...

booooooooAAAAAARRRRing lol. Interesting mind but not as interesting as going to thai land and tryign to find the best ti tea in the world.

Regina said...

HAHAHHAAHA. omg tell me why i had almost the exact same dream. it was a small venue but u me and camille were sitting lower level for some reason. then we were like wtf we have floor seats. so we go down. and i lose u and camille. and on one side of the stage i'm on no one is around me and justin is singing to me. then i find you guys on the otherside and we all enjoy him together! lol.

and welcome to blogspot haha