Thursday, July 26, 2007


laa-laa-laaaaaa... i am done with summer school! YIPIDEE-YEEEEEEEEEE-HAW! my professor would always sing, "Laa-laa-laa..." while he was setting up for lab. I just finished my first-ever, college summer course. and i must be one to say that it was as bad as it was cracked up to be. i only had to concentrate on one subject, although it was a chapter a day. mehh.. whatever i am done!

Plans for my first weekend of summer:
Saturday... i plan to relax and head off to Fairfield. There, my family on my mother's side will commemorate the 4th year anniversary of my Uncle Boy's death. i know it may sound like something sad, but it really isn't. Uncle Boy had salvation. He knew where he was going when he died. Although it may have been the most sudden death I have ever personally experienced, it was one that brought friends and family together. I remember walking down the halls of ICU, staying up late, living in the waiting room for 5 days, sleeping at his empty house. I havan't shed a tear about him since that year, and now I am. I miss my uncle and him always calling me "Baby Girl." I can never appreciate anyone else calling me that now. Wow, this blog's direction has turned around. But yes, I will be heading to Fairfield to be with family and my cousins, whom I haven't seen since my debut 2 years ago.

Sunday... i know i have church, but i think i'm attending the meeting about the family retreat. i really don't know what i am doing there, but i like to listen to the adults make fun of each other in tagalog. it exercises my bilingual mind.

gahhhh... summmer just started and i feel like it's almost at an end. I need to UTILIZE this time! Jess's cotillion is this coming friday [not tomorrow] and i don't feel prepared, and not yet too excited [unlike laura's last year]. gahhh i need to rest.

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