Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good days.

Saturday: Good Day.

I unfortunately had work, and I unfortunately had to lie to get out of it. Yes, yes, I know my readers whom I go to church with will be disappointed. I was totally going to ask Welle to work, but I forgot and by that time, I had work. So I lied. Shame on me. So sorry Tito Tonet, Tito Ron. I finished what needed to be done though?

What makes this day a good day?
1. I got in 3 hours of work.
2. I drove downtown to Macy's all by myself to James Lafferty.
3. I watched Juno.
4. I watched Cloverfield.

Work wasn't that bad. Made a few phone calls, plus there was only one doctor so it wasn't too busy. James Lafferty was hot, he did have pimples from which I recall seeing in season 1. To those of you who do not know who James Lafferty is, he is a star on CW's One Tree Hill who plays Nathan Scott. He's my favorite, and he's hot! He's probably the only one in the cast that I would have gone to meet.

So that brings me to my story of why I went alone. I was supposed to go with Marisol. She didn't answer earlier. Then I called Regina, and she couldn't go. Tiff, another OTH fan, couldn't go. So I went by myself. Iwas surrounded by bops. ALL AROUND ME! I felt so old, but I looked like them, which I guess didn't help. So I came at around 1 PM. They said that they had given out the 300 wristbands to people already and that people in line without them would have a slim chance. So I went to the stage, was in the back then more people came, making me in the middle, then it was like a concert where I got moved to the very front. Tell me how, I don't know?! Anyways, I took a good amount of pictures, and I heard they were allowing people in line with the wristbands, and I took my chance. And I ended up getting an autograph and a hand shake. [I might add that he was not sweaty, nor clammy, which is totally hot!]. That was a good afternoon.

Getting home, I got scared my parents were going to find out the truth and scold me, but I left before they got home. Because Josh, Jess and Jeremy picked me up. We bought sandwiches at Safeway, then headed to Century. As Josh and Jeremy waited in line for Cloverfield, Jess and I watched Juno. After that cuteness party ended, we entered Cloverfield just as it started. It was really on the edge of your seat because you don't know what to expect. However, the camera was a bit shaky, it was okay though. It was like -in the words of Jessica- Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla meets Independence Day meets War of the Worlds. It was good. I think that people didn't like it because it was more like a personal documentation rather than an actual story. I was surprised that it didn't suck balls!

1 comment:

Ron said...

Tsk tsk!

hehehe j/k.