Monday, January 14, 2008

Leo. Oh Leo.

Upon looking through my official Titanic book, singing Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On," and looking for the song + dialogue -like the one on the radio many years ago- inspired me to pop in the double Titanic VHS that I had.

Although it may have been grainy, the movie was still the same. Passionate in every way! Leo is still HAWT. Kate is still awesome. The ship still sinks. And the old woman drops the diamond in the ocean.

Gosh, this is only movie that I can actually say that I watched 3 times in the theaters. Gosh it's so good!

By the way, this movie came out when I was 10, so that means that it's practically 11 years old. Holy Mackrel!


Selene from E:III said...

i went home and watched romeo and juliet lets have a leo party lol

Regina said...

LEO IS SEXY. i just got the 2 disc dvd titanic. haha

Anonymous said...

You write very well.