Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Smelling the good.

BOYEEEE am I mad. Well not mad, but disappointed. INTERNET... why do you let me love you, yet you screw me over?! So I had my online exam, and I did it and I studied all Monday afternoon with it. With nervousness, I opened the exam. "I think I know this?" and "Oh! That's in my notes!" were the words that I uttered as I took the exam. Just as I tried to save my answers, the page was "not found." AWW POOP! "Please tell me I can go back!!!" When I did, it said that my exam was recieved. PHEW! But when I check the class website today, a grade was NOT posted for my first exam. So I emailed the teacher, asking whether or not she recieved me test or she just didn't post it. But it turned out that she didn't get it. She claims that "it happens to at least one student every exam." WHY ME?! I studied so hard! She claims to drop the lowest test score because of this problem. BUT I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!

Whatever. But as I got mad, I looked down at the shirt I was wearing today. I got it at Battlecry 06. It's from Deuteronomy 20:4,

For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

You sneaky devil, you. I was distracted. But although I am really concentrated on school, the enemy can't bring me down. I would usually be really sad about this... but I am not because will help me recover. Maybe I should challenge the teacher? I don't know... AHH I'm still mad, but it's okay. My iPod is on shuffle and Super Trouper by ABBA just came on, now I feel much happier. I guess God is just trying to stop me from being so busy. And He wants me to take a step back from what I am doing and see Him first. Maybe he wants me to stop and smell the roses He created. "God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

1 comment:

aaron j. said...

your blogs make me laugh Nel lol